
Class 12 visit to NGO

In the first week of June, the students of Class 12, Manaskriti School were blessed with the opportunity of visiting the Tender Hearts NGO sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which works closely with children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
The students were given the task of teaching underprivileged children basic educational skills.
The primary objective of the internship was for the students to serve as mentors and teachers to these kids, enhancing their learning experiences and lending a helping hand to the less fortunate.

Throughout the internship, the students also learnt entrepreneurial skills by crafting handmade items and ornaments and selling them online. This initiative not only showcased their creativity but also instilled entrepreneurial and altruistic values.
Throughout the week, the students had not only imparted knowledge and skills but also left behind a positive impact on the children’s lives.
Through engaging activities, meaningful interactions, and the cultivation of important life skills, Tender Hearts and Manaskriti showcased the potential for education to bridge gaps and create positive change within all communities.

As Mahatma Gandhi once said “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”

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