
Handling Adolescents Effectively

Ms. Reshma Bhown, a renowned developmental psychologist, special educator, professor, and founder of Prashikshan, conducted a session on “Handling Adolescents Effectively.” She emphasized alternative ways of interacting with adolescents, such as acknowledging their emotions, asking questions, and using short words of encouragement. Ms. Bhown also highlighted the importance of creating a safe and engaging environment to establish effective communication.

She emphasized the distinction between respect and decorum, emphasizing that adolescent rule violations are not always personal. This understanding helps adults handle disciplinary issues without unnecessary conflict.

During the session, Ms. Bhown recommended Adele Faber’s books as valuable resources for dealing with adolescents. These books provide practical insights and strategies for effective communication and understanding teenagers’ needs.

Overall, the session provided valuable insights into interacting with adolescents. It emphasized acknowledging emotions, using curiosity-based communication techniques, and distinguishing between respect and decorum. Participants gained practical tools to handle adolescents effectively and build positive connections with them.

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